Coachpreneur Judyann
  • Treasures of Darkness


    What a poignant reminder from a post written several years ago when I travailed a very deep valley….actually many answers and insights came from that time, along with some untapped seeds of creativity that I am convinced might otherwise never have surfaced….

    What are you going through today?

    Are you in a place that you never saw coming, or felt powerless to stave off?

    Let me encourage you the best way I know how.  If you allow yourself to mine the depths of your current life circumstances you will find strength and gems of brilliance that might never have surfaced in any other atmosphere.

    It may take time to for you to see and realize the blessing of this season.  It might need to be much more in the rear view mirror before it can be fully appreciated.

    Be inspired and encouraged that who you are becoming through all of it is worth the darkness.  May your inner wings of strength beat a little more fervently against the opposition of the cocoon you find yourself in.  You will emerge and you will be stronger.

    May any darkness from this season lift at it’s appointed time and  may the fresh light and brightness fully overshadow the heavy season you’re migrating through. 

    You are doing it, and soon you’ll be able to say.  I did it, I made it through.

    Remember that out of our darkness comes soul-cleansing peace, spiritual growth and revelation knowledge to bless, encourage and inspire you in your called-to sphere in business, in relationships and personal growth. 

     Be willing to mine the depths.


    Insights Coach Judyann | Brilliant Life by Divine Design®



  • The Little Difference-Maker


    Sometimes just ‘changing it up’ can make all the difference in your day.

    If it’s a Saturday filled with running errands, cleaning or yardwork, what could be different if you put down the rake, set aside the vacuum cleaner or  tuck the grocery list away — just for the time being.


    First, spend the time you need to recalibrate and strengthen your inner being.  Is it through prayer, meditation or some quiet time of journaling your thoughts and feelings.  That time spent just for you, with you and from you will set the gauge for a far more productive day.

    It’s amazing when you take the time to reset your inner compass, the time can seemingly stand still as you create new space for fresh energy to accomplish all that you originally intended.  Those moments give you the breath of fresh air you need  to allow your day to unfold more intentionally and smoothly.

    Give it a try, and see for yourself the difference it can make.


    Insights Coach Judyann | Brilliant Life by Divine Design®

  • Let go, Let God

    When we need a reminder that we might be holding on a tad too tight to the reins of our life, we encouraged to perhaps loosen our grip — just a bit.

    Enjoy this visual and see what comes when you ponder your life right now today.

    Here was my insight  that year in March…

    **At every new gate, with each new fresh Spirit-led opening, with every continuing challenge, the tendency to hold too tightly to the reins of of our future is ever so tempting — today, purpose to let go, just a little more**