Coachpreneur Judyann
  • Treasures of Darkness


    What a poignant reminder from a post written several years ago when I travailed a very deep valley….actually many answers and insights came from that time, along with some untapped seeds of creativity that I am convinced might otherwise never have surfaced….

    What are you going through today?

    Are you in a place that you never saw coming, or felt powerless to stave off?

    Let me encourage you the best way I know how.  If you allow yourself to mine the depths of your current life circumstances you will find strength and gems of brilliance that might never have surfaced in any other atmosphere.

    It may take time to for you to see and realize the blessing of this season.  It might need to be much more in the rear view mirror before it can be fully appreciated.

    Be inspired and encouraged that who you are becoming through all of it is worth the darkness.  May your inner wings of strength beat a little more fervently against the opposition of the cocoon you find yourself in.  You will emerge and you will be stronger.

    May any darkness from this season lift at it’s appointed time and  may the fresh light and brightness fully overshadow the heavy season you’re migrating through. 

    You are doing it, and soon you’ll be able to say.  I did it, I made it through.

    Remember that out of our darkness comes soul-cleansing peace, spiritual growth and revelation knowledge to bless, encourage and inspire you in your called-to sphere in business, in relationships and personal growth. 

     Be willing to mine the depths.


    Insights Coach Judyann | Brilliant Life by Divine Design®



  • Follow the Energy


    July 18, 2020

    If you’re going for something, really GOING for something, you have to be willing to reach high and dig deep.

    Reaching High

    Like a fine vase.  On that oh-so high top shelf.

    You’re going to need a well-balanced stepping stool to reach that top shelf, where it’s been carefully placed for safekeeping.

    And when you grab the stepping stool, slap it down in a close-enough place thinking you can make a quick climb, you find out all too soon your poor judgment as you and the stool topple over.  Thankfully you didn’t take the vase with you.

    Second go around.  You carefully position the stepping stool for your best advantage to safely reach the top shelf, steady yourself and carefully bring the vase securely to the countertop.

    It’s like that in anything new, different and extraordinary that you want.  Sometimes that vase (your dream or desire)  has to be carefully reached for. Step by guided, well-placed step.

    Digging Deep

    Whatever’s hidden deep within sitting right next to that dream will be the obstacle or obstacles you’ll have to overcome to set that dream fully free.

    Some say you’re foolish, it’s out of your reach, it’s too high, too late.   Just settle for something ordinary. You may be fighting with yourself about that deep desire of your heart.

    But then the dream begins to ache and quiver in your soul again.  And you know it has a life all its own and will come to pass, if you nurture and care for it.

    Whatever word you find to shout down the inner or outer naysaying, find it.  One I heard years ago was from one of Nathaniel Branden’s teaching tapes is ‘balderdash’.  Love that word.

    So, balderdash.  In other words, ‘nonsense’. 

    Start affirming –  I will receive what has been placed inside me to dream, nurture and hold close until its fruition.

    That carefully hidden dream is your key to new life.


    Reach High.  Dig Deep.   Follow the Energy.  
